Sr.No | Date | Topic |
1 | 22-Aug-23 | How to draft Layout in PreDCR. How to draft Other Uses in PreDCR: Educational. How to draft Other Uses in PreDCR: Community. How to draft Other Uses in PreDCR: Public Purpose. How to draft Other Uses in PreDCR: Hospital Clinics. How to draft Other Uses in PreDCR: Industry. |
2 | 5-Sep-23 | Compounding (All Category) File Drafting on UPOBPAS Portal and Static Page |
3 | 20-Sep-23 | How to take several services from Nivesh Mitra after Building Plan Approval. |
4 | 5-Oct-23 | How to draft Other Uses in PreDCR: Group Housing, Multiple Buildings. Training for Layout. Training for group housing and multi-Story. Training for marking of existing layout plan in plotted Development. Training for Tree / Four Flight of Staircase. Training for Mutistack Parking.
5 | 19-Oct-23 | Training for road side Green Belt Area. Inserting parking(single,two-three-four stack). Riser and tread size issues. Stilt floor not reading in multiunit files. Coverage issue solving. Compound wall marking.
6 | 7-Nov-23 | Revalidation file drafting through Nivesh Mitra and UPOBPAS |
7 | 21-Nov-23 | How to avail installment facility in EDC , Purchaseable FAR and CDC. |
8 | 5-Dec-23 | Ramp marking on stilt floor. Various room assigned by PreDCR assign section, which room is habitable or non habitable? Please describe. Marking of Patari ( Pavement other than main road). For internal demolish, how can LTP draft and mark it? Bazzar street (ResiCom cases) and educational buildings. Need some information on road widening related to there marking/assigning name. |
9 | 20-Dec-23 | Existing+Proposed Group Housing Training. Negative carpet area in basement. Ground Coverage and PreDCR layer drafting. Ground Coverage and PreDCR layer drafting. Print Layer Usage and layout drafting.
10 | 5-Jan-24 | Drafting of type design , government buliding , affordable housing file. |
11 | 19-Jan-24 | Use of Query Desk & Chat Board. |
12 | 6-Feb-24 | Drafting of Community Facility Buildings in PreDCR. Drafting of Group Housing & Multiple Buildings in PreDCR. Training for Mutistack Parking & Stilt floor not reading in multi unit files |
13 | 20-Feb-24 | Misc. issues in PreDCR. Marking of internal demolish and carpet area in basement. Handcapped Lift. Open Car Parking. Paved Area. Park Area & Width. Stilt floor area in FAR. Slope in set back.
14 | 06-Mar-24 | Revised Proposal Submission & Addition Extension Submission. |
15 | 20-Mar-24 | Submission of Work Start , Plinth Inspection , Completion and Old Case. |
16 | 31-Mar-24 | Height of Basement. Ramp to Basement. Covered Area parking at Ground Floor. Average width of Park. Excess Paved area in Park. Covered Parking in Stilt / Basement where columns provided. |
16 | 4-Apr-24 | Special FSI Marking. Two or three tracks Parking. Draw of Portico. Direction Reference Circle. Service Floor Marking in High_Rise Building. Marking of Units In Group Housing.
16 | 23-Apr-24 | Submission from Nivesh Mitra. |
16 | 07-May-24 | Self Approval Submission. |
16 | 21-May-24 | WC/Toilet Marking For Diffrently Able Persons. Existing Structure Marking demolish/Retain Both. Electric Line and Reserve Area Marking In Layout Plans. Cul-De-Sac Marking.